Saturday, May 16, 2009

Port Selection Examples (-p | -F)

  • -p 22 (Scan a single port)
  • -p ssh (Specify port names rather than numbers)
  • -p 22,25,80 (Multiple ports seperated with commas (protocol determined by scan))
  • -p 80-85,443,8000-8005,8080-8085 (Ranges specified by [-] multiple ranges separated by [,])
  • -p -100,60000- (Can omit beginning or ending of range to imply ports 1 & T:65535 | U:255)
  • -p- (Omit beginning and end numbers to scan the entire range (excluding 0))
  • -pT:21,23,110,U:53,111,137,161 (For scans which include UDP and TCP types, port lists can specify ports for each protocol)
  • -p http* (Wildcards may be used to match ports with similar names (may need to shell-escape))
  • -p 1-1023,[1024-] (Enclosing a range in brackets causes those port numbers to be scanned only if they are registered in nmap-services)

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