Saturday, May 16, 2009

Network Mapping / Tracing

Windows - tracert
  • Sends ICMP Echo Request
  • Small TTLs ++
  • C:\> tracert
  • -d: Don’t resolve names
  • -h [N]: Max hops (def 30)
  • -j [hostlist]: Loose source routing, sp-seperated
  • -w [N]: millisec * timeout (def 4000)
Linux/Unix - traceroute
  • UDP packets 33434++
  • Each hop measured 3x
  • # traceroute
  • -f [N]: TTL for first packet
  • -g [hostlist]: Loose source routing (8 hops max)
  • -I: use ICMP Echo Request
  • -m [N]: Max hops
  • -n: Don’t resolve names (use numbers)
  • -p [port]: Base UDP port
  • -w [N]: seconds * timeout (def 5)
Layer Four Traceroute (LFT) (v3.1 May 2008)
  • Linux / MacOS free
  • Windows GUI paid (Path Analyzer Pro)
  • Traverses many IDS/IPS
  • TCP/UDP/ICMP probes
  • $ lft [options] address
  • -d [port]: destination port (set to port FW allows)
  • -s [port]: source port
  • -E/e: Enable Adaptive engine (tries several TCP states to improve chances of success)
  • -A: displays ASNs (uses various whois servers)
TCP Initialization Sequence

TCP Connection Scenarios

TCP Connection Scenarios “filtered”

UDP Traffic Scenarios

UDP Traffic Scenarios "open|filtered"

  • Port inaccessible
  • Possible Reasons:
  • - Port is closed
  • - Firewall is blocking inbound UDP packet
  • - Firewall is blocking outbound response
  • - Port is open, but would only respond to specific data in the UDP payload
  • Ultimately…no way to know

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