Saturday, May 30, 2009

Metasploit Quick Tutorial

>: /pentest/exploits/framework3
>: ./msfconsole
msf > use exploit/...
msf > set PAYLOAD ...
msf > set RHOST ...
msf > set RPORT ...
msf > set LHOST ...
msf > set LPORT ...
msf > exploit


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Trying out the new "Email-to-Post" blog feature

In theory, thanks to Google magic... this email will be posted on the blog.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Nmap OS Fingerprinting

Active OS Fingerprinting (Gen1) - Nmap versions <>TCP Sequence Prediction
  • SYN packet to open port
  • NULL packet to open port
  • SYN|FIN|URG|PSH packet to open port
  • ACK packet to open port
  • SYN packet to closed port
  • ACK packet to closed port
  • FIN|PSH|URG packet to closed port
  • UDP packet to closed port

  • Nmap Gen2 Active OS Fingerprinting (> 30 different methods/tests, invoked with -O or -O2)
    • TCP ISN greatest common denominator (GCD)
    • TCP ISN counter rate (ISR)
    • TCP IP ID sequence generation algorithm (TI)
    • ICMP IP ID sequence generation algorithm (II)
    • Shared IP ID sequence boolean (SS)
    • TCP timestamp option algorithm (TS)
    • TCP initial window size (W, W1 - W6)
    • IP don’t fragment bit (DF)
    • IP initial time-to-live guess (TG)
    • Explicit congestion notification (CC)

    Nmap Top Port Scan Performance Options

    • --host-timeout: (Asks Nmap to give up on hosts that take more than the given amount of time to scan)
    • --max-retries: (Specifies the maximum number of port scan probe retransmissions to a single port)
    • --min_rtt_timeout:, --max_rtt_timeout:, --initial_rtt_timeout: (Amount of time that Nmap will wait for a port scan probe response)
    • --min-rate, --max-rate (The min and max number of probe packets Nmap sends per second
    • --min_parallelism:, --max_parallelism: (Number of port scan probes (across all hosts scanned concurrently) that Nmap may have outstanding)
    • --scan_delay:, --max-scan-delay: (Amount of time between sending probes to any individual host (the scan delay can grow as Nmap detects packet loss, so a maximum may be specified)

    Nmap Version Scanning (-sV)

    • When Nmap identifies an open port, it displays the default service commonly associated with that port (Based on list of about 2,200 services in nmap-services file)
    • What about services not on the list?
    • What about services on unexpected ports?(i.e. HTTP on T:90 or sshd on T:3322)
    • --version-trace (option shows probe details in real time)

    Nmap Version Scanning Technique
    • NULL probe
    • - If port is TCP, Nmap connects to it and listens for roughly 5 seconds for initial welcome banner
    • - If data is received, it is compared to signatures in nmap-services-probes
    • Probable Port probes (share connection from 1.)
    • - All UDP ports and TCP ports that failed (or soft-matched) NULL probing
    • - Every probe has a list of probable port numbers
    • - Probes that match the port send a probe string to the port
    • - Responses are compared to regular expressions
    • Sequential Probes
    • - New connection for each probe (to avoid corrupting next probe)
    • - Uses ‘rarity’ metric to avoid trying probes that are extremely unlikely
    • SSL probes
    • - If Sequential Probes determine the target port is running SSL and if OpenSSL is available, Nmap connects back via SSL and restarts scan
    • Nmap RPC Grinder
    • - If generic probe identifies RPC-based service, Grinder brute-forces the RPC program number/name and supported version numbers

    Nmap UDP Scans (-sU)

    • Scans generally slower and more difficult than TCP
    • Sends empty (no data) UDP header to target ports
    • ICMP response rate-limiting detection
    • - Closed ports typically respond ICMP Port Unreachable
    • - OS limits ICMP responses (Linux limits to 1/sec)
    • - Nmap slows down to avoid wasting packets
    • - 65,536-ports @ 1/sec > 18 hours for one host

    Nmap Runtime Interaction

    • p = turn on packet tracing
    • v = increase verbosity
    • d = increase debugging level
    • Shift + [p,v,d] inverts
    • AnyOtherKey = print status message
    • - Elapsed time, # of hosts completed, # of hosts up, # of hosts currently being scanned
    • - % done, ETA remaining

    Nmap Timing Options (-T)

    • Paranoid (0) - scan serially, wait 5min between packets
    • Sneaky (1) - scan serially, wait 15 seconds between packets
    • Polite (2) - scan serially, wait .4 seconds between packets
    • Normal (3) [def] - parallel scan, multiple packets to multiple ports at once
    • Aggressive (4) - parallel scan, max time per host 5 min, 1.25 seconds response time-out
    • Insane (5) - parallel scan, max time per host 75 seconds, 0.3 seconds response time-ou

    TCP Idle Scan

    • 1998…Security researcher Antirez (who also wrote hping2) posted to the Bugtraq mailing list
    • One way to determine whether a TCP port is open is to send a SYN packet to the port. The target machine will respond with a SYN/ACK packet if the port is open, and RST if the port is closed.
    • A machine that receives an unsolicited SYN/ACK packet will respond with a RST. An unsolicited RST will be ignored.
    • Every IP packet on the Internet has a fragment identification number (IPID). Since many operating systems simply increment this number for each packet they send, probing for the IPID can tell an attacker how many packets have been sent since the last probe.
    • Three cases ‘open’, ‘closed’, and ‘filtered’ port
    • The actors:
    • - The Attacker
    • - The Zombie
    • - The Target
    Case 1: Open Port
    Case 2: Closed Port
    Case 3: Filtered Port

    Nmap Idle Scans (-sI)
    • Find a suitable Zombie
    • - We didn't just choose a printer icon to represent a zombie in our illustrations to be funny—simple network devices often make great zombies because they are commonly both underused (idle) and built with simple network stacks which are vulnerable to IPID traffic detection.
    • Execute the scan
    • - Once a suitable zombie has been found, performing a scan is easy. Simply specify the zombie hostname to the -sI option and Nmap does the rest.

    FTP Bounce Scan

    • RFC 959 October 1985 - File Transfer Protocol
    • “The argument is a HOST-PORT specification for the data port to be used in data connection. There are defaults for both the user and server data ports, and under normal circumstances this command and its reply are not needed. If this command is used, the argument is the concatenation of a 32-bit internet host address and a 16-bit TCP port address. This address information is broken into 8-bit fields and the value of each field is transmitted as a decimal number (in character string representation).
    • The fields are separated by commas.
    • A port command would be:
    • PORT h1,h2,h3,h4,p1,p2
    • where h1 is the high order 8 bits of the internet host address.”

    FTP Bounce Scan (-b) with Nmap
    • -b [][:]@[:]
    • Most modern FTP servers have fixed this vulnerability, but many modern printers that support FTP have forwarding capabilities turned on by default

    Nmap FTP Bounce Scans
    • Most common results of FTP bounce scan attempts
    # nmap -PN -b

    Starting Nmap ( )
    Your FTP bounce server doesn’t allow privileged ports, skipping them.
    Your FTP bounce servers sucks, it won’t let us feed bogs ports!
    • Successful FTP bounce scan
    # nmap -p 22,25,135 -PN -v -b XXX.YY.111.2

    Starting Nmap ( )
    Attempting connection to ftp://anonymous:-wwwuser@@XXX.YY.111.2:21
    Connected:220 JD FTP Server Ready
    Login credentials accepted by ftp server!
    Initiating TCP ftp bounce scan against (
    Adding open port 22/tcp
    Adding open port 25/tcp
    Scanned 3 ports in 12 seconds via the Bounce scan.
    Interesting ports on (
    22/tcp open ssh
    25/tcp open smtp
    135/tcp filtered msrpc

    Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 21.79 seconds

    Port Scanning with Nmap

    • -sT: Connect TCP scan (aka “polite”)
    • -sS: SYN scan (aka “half-open”)
    • - Harder to detect
    • - Much quicker
    • -sF, -sN, -sX: FIN, NULL, and Xmas scans
    • - RFC 793 p.65: “if the [destination] port state is CLOSED…an incoming segment not containing a RST causes a RST to be sent in response.” p.66 - regarding packets sent to open ports without the SYN, RST, or ACK bits set: “you are unlikely to get here, but if you do, drop the segment and return.”
    • - Compliant systems respond to packets not containing SYN,RST, or ACK bits with RST if closed and no response if port is open
    • --scanflags: Custom Scan Types
    • - Any combination of URG, ACK, PSH, RST, SYN, and FIN
    • - Non-delimited list (URGACKPSHRSTSYNFIN)
    • -sA: TCP ACK scan
    • - Does not determine port state
    • - Useful to map firewall rulesets and whether they are stateful or not
    • - ‘open’ and ‘closed’ reachable ports reply RST = ‘unfiltered’
    • - ‘filtered’ ports don’t respond or send ICMP errors
    • -sW: Window TCP scan
    • - Same as ACK scan, however examines TCP Window value of RST
    • -sM: Maimon scan (FIN/ACK)
    • - Uriel Maimon (Phrack Magazine, Nov. 1996)

    Port Selection Examples (-p | -F)

    • -p 22 (Scan a single port)
    • -p ssh (Specify port names rather than numbers)
    • -p 22,25,80 (Multiple ports seperated with commas (protocol determined by scan))
    • -p 80-85,443,8000-8005,8080-8085 (Ranges specified by [-] multiple ranges separated by [,])
    • -p -100,60000- (Can omit beginning or ending of range to imply ports 1 & T:65535 | U:255)
    • -p- (Omit beginning and end numbers to scan the entire range (excluding 0))
    • -pT:21,23,110,U:53,111,137,161 (For scans which include UDP and TCP types, port lists can specify ports for each protocol)
    • -p http* (Wildcards may be used to match ports with similar names (may need to shell-escape))
    • -p 1-1023,[1024-] (Enclosing a range in brackets causes those port numbers to be scanned only if they are registered in nmap-services)

    Traceroute with Nmap

    • --traceroute
    • Determines what sort of probe will be most effective based on scan results
    • - ICMP | TCP specific port | UDP specific port
    • Sends probes in parallel
    • “goes backwards” for efficiency
    • Sends probe with high TTL based on guess derived from scan results so far and determines exact number of hops
    • - If response from end host, lowers TTL
    • - If ICMP Time Exceeded message, raises TTL

    Sweeping with nmap

    • # nmap [options]
    • By default Nmap will ping targets before scanning them and only scan ‘up’
    • Sweep types:
    • -sP: Ping Scan (only)
    • -PN: Disable Ping
    • -PS: TCP SYN Ping (comma sep list)
    • -PA: TCP ACK Ping (requires priv)
    • -PU: UDP Ping
    • -PE,-PP,-PM: ICMP Ping Types [Echo (8/0), Timestamp (13/14), Address Mask (17/18)]
    • -PO: IP Protocol Ping [def ICMP+IGMP+IP-in-IP]
    • -PR: ARP Scan
    • Defaults:
    • Privileged Users: -PA+-PE | Local=-PR
    • Unprivileged: -PS

    Scanning with nmap

    Nmap Security Scanner
    • Developed by Fyodor, Nmap (“Network Mapper”) is free / open-source utility for network exploration or security auditing.
    • Linux Journal’s Editor’s Choice Award for Best Security Tool
    • LinuxQuestions.Org Security App of the Year award
    • - 1. Nmap (56.45%), 2. Snort (15.5%), 3. Nessus (14.9%)
    • Info World’s Best Information Security Product award
    • Codetalker Digest Security Product of the Year award

    Sweeping with nmap
    • # nmap [options]
    • By default Nmap will ping targets before scanning them and only scan ‘up’
    • Sweep types:
    • -sP: Ping Scan (only)
    • -PN: Disable Ping
    • -PS: TCP SYN Ping (comma sep list)
    • -PA: TCP ACK Ping (requires priv)
    • -PU: UDP Ping
    • -PE,-PP,-PM: ICMP Ping Types [Echo (8/0), Timestamp (13/14), Address Mask (17/18)]
    • -PO: IP Protocol Ping [def ICMP+IGMP+IP-in-IP]
    • -PR: ARP Scan
    • Defaults:
    • Privileged Users: -PA+-PE | Local=-PR
    • Unprivileged: -PS

    Traceroute with Nmap
    • --traceroute
    • Determines what sort of probe will be most effective based on scan results
    • - ICMP | TCP specific port | UDP specific port
    • Sends probes in parallel
    • “goes backwards” for efficiency
    • Sends probe with high TTL based on guess derived from scan results so far and determines exact number of hops
    • - If response from end host, lowers TTL
    • - If ICMP Time Exceeded message, raises TTL

    Port Selection Examples (-p | -F)
    • -p 22 (Scan a single port)
    • -p ssh (Specify port names rather than numbers)
    • -p 22,25,80 (Multiple ports seperated with commas (protocol determined by scan))
    • -p 80-85,443,8000-8005,8080-8085 (Ranges specified by [-] multiple ranges separated by [,])
    • -p -100,60000- (Can omit beginning or ending of range to imply ports 1 & T:65535 | U:255)
    • -p- (Omit beginning and end numbers to scan the entire range (excluding 0))
    • -pT:21,23,110,U:53,111,137,161 (For scans which include UDP and TCP types, port lists can specify ports for each protocol)
    • -p http* (Wildcards may be used to match ports with similar names (may need to shell-escape))
    • -p 1-1023,[1024-] (Enclosing a range in brackets causes those port numbers to be scanned only if they are registered in nmap-services)

    TCP Header (RFC 793 + 3168)

    Port Scanning with Nmap
    • -sT: Connect TCP scan (aka “polite”)
    • -sS: SYN scan (aka “half-open”)
    • - Harder to detect
    • - Much quicker
    • -sF, -sN, -sX: FIN, NULL, and Xmas scans
    • - RFC 793 p.65: “if the [destination] port state is CLOSED…an incoming segment not containing a RST causes a RST to be sent in response.” p.66 - regarding packets sent to open ports without the SYN, RST, or ACK bits set: “you are unlikely to get here, but if you do, drop the segment and return.”
    • - Compliant systems respond to packets not containing SYN,RST, or ACK bits with RST if closed and no response if port is open
    • --scanflags: Custom Scan Types
    • - Any combination of URG, ACK, PSH, RST, SYN, and FIN
    • - Non-delimited list (URGACKPSHRSTSYNFIN)
    • -sA: TCP ACK scan
    • - Does not determine port state
    • - Useful to map firewall rulesets and whether they are stateful or not
    • - ‘open’ and ‘closed’ reachable ports reply RST = ‘unfiltered’
    • - ‘filtered’ ports don’t respond or send ICMP errors
    • -sW: Window TCP scan
    • - Same as ACK scan, however examines TCP Window value of RST
    • -sM: Maimon scan (FIN/ACK)
    • - Uriel Maimon (Phrack Magazine, Nov. 1996)

    FTP Bounce Scan
    • RFC 959 October 1985 - File Transfer Protocol
    • “The argument is a HOST-PORT specification for the data port to be used in data connection. There are defaults for both the user and server data ports, and under normal circumstances this command and its reply are not needed. If this command is used, the argument is the concatenation of a 32-bit internet host address and a 16-bit TCP port address. This address information is broken into 8-bit fields and the value of each field is transmitted as a decimal number (in character string representation).
    • The fields are separated by commas.
    • A port command would be:
    • PORT h1,h2,h3,h4,p1,p2
    • where h1 is the high order 8 bits of the internet host address.”

    FTP Bounce Scan (-b) with Nmap
    • -b [][:]@[:]
    • Most modern FTP servers have fixed this vulnerability, but many modern printers that support FTP have forwarding capabilities turned on by default

    Nmap FTP Bounce Scans
    • Most common results of FTP bounce scan attempts
    # nmap -PN -b

    Starting Nmap ( )
    Your FTP bounce server doesn’t allow privileged ports, skipping them.
    Your FTP bounce servers sucks, it won’t let us feed bogs ports!
    • Successful FTP bounce scan
    # nmap -p 22,25,135 -PN -v -b XXX.YY.111.2

    Starting Nmap ( )
    Attempting connection to ftp://anonymous:-wwwuser@@XXX.YY.111.2:21
    Connected:220 JD FTP Server Ready
    Login credentials accepted by ftp server!
    Initiating TCP ftp bounce scan against (
    Adding open port 22/tcp
    Adding open port 25/tcp
    Scanned 3 ports in 12 seconds via the Bounce scan.
    Interesting ports on (
    22/tcp open ssh
    25/tcp open smtp
    135/tcp filtered msrpc

    Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 21.79 seconds

    Nmap Idle Scans (-sI)
    • Find a suitable Zombie
    • - We didn't just choose a printer icon to represent a zombie in our illustrations to be funny—simple network devices often make great zombies because they are commonly both underused (idle) and built with simple network stacks which are vulnerable to IPID traffic detection.
    • Execute the scan
    • - Once a suitable zombie has been found, performing a scan is easy. Simply specify the zombie hostname to the -sI option and Nmap does the rest.
    • Example: # nmap -PN -p -sI [:src-port]

    # nmap -PN -p- -sI

    Starting Nmap ( )
    Idlescan using zombie (; Class: Incremental
    Interesting ports on
    (The 65522 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
    Port State Service
    21/tcp open ftp
    25/tcp open smtp
    80/tcp open http
    111/tcp open sunrpc
    135/tcp open loc-srv
    443/tcp open https
    1027/tcp open IIS
    1030/tcp open iad1
    2306/tcp open unknown
    5631/tcp open pcanywheredata
    7937/tcp open unknown
    7938/tcp open unknown
    36890/tcp open unknown

    Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 2594.47 seconds

    Nmap UDP Scans (-sU)
    • Scans generally slower and more difficult than TCP
    • Sends empty (no data) UDP header to target ports
    • ICMP response rate-limiting detection
    • - Closed ports typically respond ICMP Port Unreachable
    • - OS limits ICMP responses (Linux limits to 1/sec)
    • - Nmap slows down to avoid wasting packets
    • - 65,536-ports @ 1/sec > 18 hours for one host
    Nmap Runtime Interaction
    • p = turn on packet tracing
    • v = increase verbosity
    • d = increase debugging level
    • Shift + [p,v,d] inverts
    • AnyOtherKey = print status message
    • - Elapsed time, # of hosts completed, # of hosts up, # of hosts currently being scanned
    • - % done, ETA remaining

    Nmap Timing Options (-T)
    • Paranoid (0) - scan serially, wait 5min between packets
    • Sneaky (1) - scan serially, wait 15 seconds between packets
    • Polite (2) - scan serially, wait .4 seconds between packets
    • Normal (3) [def] - parallel scan, multiple packets to multiple ports at once
    • Aggressive (4) - parallel scan, max time per host 5 min, 1.25 seconds response time-out
    • Insane (5) - parallel scan, max time per host 75 seconds, 0.3 seconds response time-out

    Nmap Top Port Scan Performance Options
    • --host-timeout: (Asks Nmap to give up on hosts that take more than the given amount of time to scan)
    • --max-retries: (Specifies the maximum number of port scan probe retransmissions to a single port)
    • --min_rtt_timeout:, --max_rtt_timeout:, --initial_rtt_timeout: (Amount of time that Nmap will wait for a port scan probe response)
    • --min-rate, --max-rate (The min and max number of probe packets Nmap sends per second
    • --min_parallelism:, --max_parallelism: (Number of port scan probes (across all hosts scanned concurrently) that Nmap may have outstanding)
    • --scan_delay:, --max-scan-delay: (Amount of time between sending probes to any individual host (the scan delay can grow as Nmap detects packet loss, so a maximum may be specified)

    Nmap Version Scanning (-sV)
    • When Nmap identifies an open port, it displays the default service commonly associated with that port (Based on list of about 2,200 services in nmap-services file)
    • What about services not on the list?
    • What about services on unexpected ports?(i.e. HTTP on T:90 or sshd on T:3322)
    • --version-trace (option shows probe details in real time)

    Nmap Version Scanning Technique
    • NULL probe
    • - If port is TCP, Nmap connects to it and listens for roughly 5 seconds for initial welcome banner
    • - If data is received, it is compared to signatures in nmap-services-probes
    • Probable Port probes (share connection from 1.)
    • - All UDP ports and TCP ports that failed (or soft-matched) NULL probing
    • - Every probe has a list of probable port numbers
    • - Probes that match the port send a probe string to the port
    • - Responses are compared to regular expressions
    • Sequential Probes
    • - New connection for each probe (to avoid corrupting next probe)
    • - Uses ‘rarity’ metric to avoid trying probes that are extremely unlikely
    • SSL probes
    • - If Sequential Probes determine the target port is running SSL and if OpenSSL is available, Nmap connects back via SSL and restarts scan
    • Nmap RPC Grinder
    • - If generic probe identifies RPC-based service, Grinder brute-forces the RPC program number/name and supported version numbers

    Active OS Fingerprinting (Gen1) - Nmap versions < 4.51 include first-generation (-01)
    • TCP Sequence Prediction
    • SYN packet to open port
    • NULL packet to open port
    • SYN|FIN|URG|PSH packet to open port
    • ACK packet to open port
    • SYN packet to closed port
    • ACK packet to closed port
    • FIN|PSH|URG packet to closed port
    • UDP packet to closed port

    Nmap Gen2 Active OS Fingerprinting (> 30 different methods/tests, invoked with -O or -O2)
    • TCP ISN greatest common denominator (GCD)
    • TCP ISN counter rate (ISR)
    • TCP IP ID sequence generation algorithm (TI)
    • ICMP IP ID sequence generation algorithm (II)
    • Shared IP ID sequence boolean (SS)
    • TCP timestamp option algorithm (TS)
    • TCP initial window size (W, W1 - W6)
    • IP don’t fragment bit (DF)
    • IP initial time-to-live guess (TG)
    • Explicit congestion notification (CC)

    Most Popular UDP Ports

    1. 631 (IPP) - Internet Printing Protocol
    2. 161 (SNMP) - Simple Network Management Protocol
    3. 137 (NETBIOS-NS) - Windows Services
    4. 123 (NTP) - Network Time Protocol
    5. 138 (NETBIOS-DGM) - Another Windows Services port
    6. 1434 (MS-SQL-DS) - Microsoft SQL Server
    7. 445 (Microsoft-DS) - Another Windows Services port
    8. 135 (MSRPC) - MS Remote Procedure Call Services
    9. 67 (DHCPS) - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Server
    10. 53 (DNS) - Domain Name System server
    11. 139 (NETBIOS-SSN) - Another Windows Services port
    12. 500 (ISAKMP) - Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (IPsec VPNs)
    13. 68 (DHCPC) - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Client
    14. 520 (RIP) - Routing Information Protocol
    15. 1900 (UPNP) - Microsoft Simple Service Discovery Protocol, which enables discovery of Universal Plug-and-Play devices
    16. 4500 (NAT-T-IKE) - Network Address Translation Traversal while initiating IPsec connection (during Internet Key Exchange)
    17. 514 (Syslog) - Standard UNIX log daemon
    18. 49152 (Var) - First of the IANA-specified dynamic/private ports. No official ports may be registered from her to 65536.
    19. 162 (SNMPTrap) - Simple Network Management Protocol trap port (SNMP agent uses 161 / SNMP manager uses 162)
    20. 69 (TFTP) - Trivial File Transfer Protocol

    Most Popular TCP Ports

    (Fyodor [Summer 2008] scanned 10sMM of Internet hosts)
    1. 80 (HTTP) - > 14% of open ports
    2. 23 (Telnet) - particularly as an administration port on networking devices
    3. 443 (HTTPS) - SSL-encrypted HTTP
    4. 21 (FTP) - File Transfer Protocol
    5. 22 (SSH) - Secure Shell
    6. 25 (SMTP) - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
    7. 3389 (ms-term-server) - Microsoft Terminal Services
    8. 110 (POP3) - Post Office Protocol v3
    9. 445 (Microsoft-DS) - SMB over IP
    10. 139 (NetBIOS-SSN) - NetBIOS Session Service
    11. 143 (IMAP) - Internet Message Access Protocol version 2
    12. 53 (DNS) - Domain Name System
    13. 135 (MSRPC) - MS Remote Procedure Call services
    14. 3306 (MySQL) - Database
    15. 8080 (HTTP-proxy / Alt-HTTP)
    16. 1723 (PPTP) - Point-to-point tunneling protocol
    17. 111 (RPCBind) - Maps SunRPC program numbers to their current TCP or UDP port numbers
    18. 995 (POP3S) - SSL-encrypted POP3
    19. 993 (IMAPS) - SSL-encrypted IMAPv2
    20. 5900 (VNC) - Virtual Network Computing

    Outputing in terminal while writing to file...

    After the write to file command, add ' & tail -f '

    For example:

    nmap -PS > output.txt & tail -f output.txt

    This will display the contents of your output file to the terminal as it is written.

    Network Mapping / Tracing

    Windows - tracert
    • Sends ICMP Echo Request
    • Small TTLs ++
    • C:\> tracert
    • -d: Don’t resolve names
    • -h [N]: Max hops (def 30)
    • -j [hostlist]: Loose source routing, sp-seperated
    • -w [N]: millisec * timeout (def 4000)
    Linux/Unix - traceroute
    • UDP packets 33434++
    • Each hop measured 3x
    • # traceroute
    • -f [N]: TTL for first packet
    • -g [hostlist]: Loose source routing (8 hops max)
    • -I: use ICMP Echo Request
    • -m [N]: Max hops
    • -n: Don’t resolve names (use numbers)
    • -p [port]: Base UDP port
    • -w [N]: seconds * timeout (def 5)
    Layer Four Traceroute (LFT) (v3.1 May 2008)
    • Linux / MacOS free
    • Windows GUI paid (Path Analyzer Pro)
    • Traverses many IDS/IPS
    • TCP/UDP/ICMP probes
    • $ lft [options] address
    • -d [port]: destination port (set to port FW allows)
    • -s [port]: source port
    • -E/e: Enable Adaptive engine (tries several TCP states to improve chances of success)
    • -A: displays ASNs (uses various whois servers)
    TCP Initialization Sequence

    TCP Connection Scenarios

    TCP Connection Scenarios “filtered”

    UDP Traffic Scenarios

    UDP Traffic Scenarios "open|filtered"

    • Port inaccessible
    • Possible Reasons:
    • - Port is closed
    • - Firewall is blocking inbound UDP packet
    • - Firewall is blocking outbound response
    • - Port is open, but would only respond to specific data in the UDP payload
    • Ultimately…no way to know

    Thursday, May 14, 2009

    Visual Trace Tools... Sweetness

    Visual traceroute using Google maps...

    Network Tools by

    Kismet Options

    This is a great resource for understanding Kismet's interface...

    Kismet Main Page

    Wednesday, May 13, 2009

    Network Sweeping

    ICMP-type8 Echo Requests ‘Pings’
    • Frequently blocked
    • Noisy + frequently monitored / signature
    TCP packets to likely open ports
    • 3-way initialization
    • Various possibilities
    • May traverse IDS/IPS
    UDP packets to likely closed ports
    • ICMP Port Unreachable messages
    • Non-reliable
    Angry IP Scanner (v2.21 Apr 04 / v3.0-beta4 Mar 09) [Some AV software may have signature]
    • v2.x - Windows-XP
    • - Standalone binary
    • v3.x - Cross-platform
    • - Requires Java
    • - Windows 2000/XP/Vista | MacOS X Intel/PPC | Linux
    • Threaded for each scanned IP
    • ICMP Echo Request sweep
    • TCP port scan
    • Gets MAC addresses
    • Gathers NetBIOS names and Workgroups
    ICMPQuery (v1.0.3 2000) [Dave Andersen ->]
    • CLI Linux/Unix
    • ICMP Timestamp (t13) and Address Mask Request (t17)

    Tuesday, May 12, 2009

    War Driving

    • 2001... Peter Shipley
    • -Drove around Silicon Valley
    • -Discovered hundreds of APs
    • War Walking
    • War Flying
    • War Biking
    • War Chalking
    • All = War Driving (AKA 'stumbling')
    Active Scanning
    • Sending probe packets
    • 802.11 packets with ESSID of 'Any'
    • Response from WLAN access points
    NetStumbler v0.4.0 (Apr 2004)
    • 802.11a/b/g
    • MAC addresses
    • ESSID
    • Wireless channels
    • Signal strength
    • [IP addresses]
    • Wireless Security
    Passive Listening
    Wellenreiter (v1.9 Aug 2003) [Ger: wave runner / surfer]
    • Stealth ESSID broadcasts
    • Channel
    • MAC Addresses
    • Security
    • DHCP / ARP
    • -list of IPs
    • tcpdump compatible
    Wellenreiter II (handhelds)

    Kismet (v2008-05-R1 May 08)
    • 802.11a/b/g + GPS mapping
    • tcpdump compatibility
    • Hidden SSID decloaking
    • Graphical network mapping
    • Mfgr/Model APs and clients
    • Known defaults detection

    War Dialing

    • Numbers
    • Range: random, sequential, list
    • Nudging
    • Jamming
    • THC-Scan v2.1 (Oct 2005)


    Sunday, May 10, 2009

    BT3 - USB Wireless HCL

    Below is the list of wireless usb dongles and their compatibility with BackTrack3 from a VMware machine...

    HCL:Wireless -

    Friday, May 8, 2009

    More Recon Tools

    Sam Spade (by Steve Atkins)
    • Network query tool for Windows
    • Ping, DNS Lookup, Whois, DNS Zone Transfer, Traceroute, Finger, SMTP Verify, Mirror Website, Check Time, Keep-alive, etc.
    Spiderfoot (by Steve Micallef)
    • Input domain name(s)
    • Crawls website(s) for links and subdomains
    • Reverse DNS lookups for IPs of findings + given block(s)
    • Whois lookups {www,mail}.domains.{com,us,etc}
    • Google searches with SOAP API
    BiLE Suite
    • ($ ./ [site_of_interest] [BiLE_output.mine]) - Comples weighting algorithm to determine 'related' score
    • - Over 250 TLDs and does DNS lookup
    • + - Are results of previous tools in defined range - (ex. What are the mail-servers for each domain?)
    • - Uses hping to traceroute all target IPs - Outputs hop-by-hop paths to target
    BiLE Recon Assembly-Line

    BiLE -> Bile-weigh -> tld-expand -> vet-IPrange + vet-mx -> qtrace

    BiLE DNS Tools
    • Jarf-rev - Input target network range - Output reverse DNS lookups for each address
    • Jarf-dnsbrute - Input domain + dictionary - Output DNS lookup for every sub-domain


    Info in Metadata

    Includes MAC address, user names, edits, GPS info (depending on file format)
    • JPG
    • - EXIF (Exchangeable image file format)
    • - IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council)
    • PDF
    • DOC
    • DOCX
    • EXE
    • XLS
    • XLSX
    • PNG
    • Etc
    Metadata Tools

    Recon Automation

    Automating Google Recon
    • SiteDigger (v2.0 Released Jan 2005) [Win]
    • Wikto (v2.1 Released Dec 2008) [Win]
    • Gooscan (~2006) [Lin] ... can be found in BackTrack
    • Goolag (v1.0.0.41 Mar 2008) [cDc/Win]
    Google Proxies
    • Dec 2006... Google stops giving out SOAP API keys (deprecated)
    • Mar 2009 AJAX API 'graduates' from Google Code
    • Aug 2009... Google will disable the SOAP API
    Google Proxy Tools
    • AURA (API Usable / Re-usable Again)
    • EvilAPI (defunct?)

    Thursday, May 7, 2009

    Google Hacking

    “Google, properly leveraged, has more intrusion potential than any hacking tool.” - Adrian Lamo (Grey Hat Hacker, hacked NY Times, Yahoo, etc.)

    See this book: Google Hacking For Penetration Testers - Johnny Long

    Google Searching Basics
    Preferences and Advanced
    • Preferences
    • Language Tools
    • Advanced Search
    Advanced Directives
    • site: (Searches only within a given domain)
    • [all]intext: (Shows pages with all terms in page text)
    • [all]inurl: (Shows pages whose URL matches)
    • [all]intitle: (Shows pages whose title matches)
    • filetype: (ext:) vs. searchterm
    • phonebook: (General)
    • bphonebook: (Business)
    • rphonebook: (Residential)
    • link: (Shows all sites linked to a given site)
    • related: (Shows similar pages [hit/miss])
    • cache: (Google cache)
    • info: (Cached + link: + related: ... Not very useful)
    • daterange: (Indexed by Google during dates within range) -Must always be a range - Must be in Julian Date form (Number of days since Jan 1, 4713 B.C.)
    • vs &as_qdr={h.d.w.m.y}[2..x]
    • ""
    • (|) / (OR v. or)
    • (-) (+)
    • (.) (*)
    • (..) / numrange
    • (~)
    Google Hacking Database
    • Available remote desktop systems
    • Default web material
    • Indexable directories
    • UserIDs and passwords
    • Shell history
    • GHDB of "GoogleDorks" (


    • Name
    • IP Address(es)
    • OS
    • Open Ports
    • Known Vulnerabilities
    • Administrative Accounts / Passwords
    • Other Accounts / Passwords
    How Discovered?

    • Objectives
    • Exploitation Attempts
    • Results
    • Obtained Flag (Pwnd?)

    Web-based Recon

    Target's own websites:
    • Press releases
    • White Papers
    • Design Documents
    • Sample deliverables
    • Open positions
    • Key people
    • Contacts
    Related Sites:
    • Business partners, ISP, suppliers
    • Competitors, review sites
    Public Databases:
    • Newspapers
    • Magazines
    • Etc.

    DNS Interrogation

    DNS Record Types (
    • A: IPv4 Address record
    • CNAME: Canonical Name (alias)
    • MX: Mail Exchange record (mail servers for domain)
    • NS: Name Server record (authoritative name server)
    • PTR: Pointer for inverse lookups record (reverse record)
    • SOA: Start of Authority record (server authoritative for zone)
    • TXT: Text record (arbitrary text string - often used vs. spam)
    • HINFO: Host Information record (formerly system type) - rarely used
    • RP: Responsible Person record (info of human) - rarely used
    • SRV: Service Locator record (host/port info - used for newer protocols instead of creating proto-specific records like MX) - rarely used
    nslookup (+interactive mode)
    • server
    • set
    • - type=any
    • - [no]recurse
    • ls -d [> filename]
    • view
    DNS Cache Snooping - Luis Grangia (

    dig [@global-server [domain] [type]
    • dig @ -t AXFR (All zone transfer)
    • dig @ -t IXFR= (Incremental zone transfer, retrieving records since SOA serial number was N)
    • +[no]recursive (recursive searches default)
    • Dig for Windows ( & DNS Query Websites

    Whois Lookups

    InterNIC -> Individual Registrar (sometimes more detail)

    Web-based whois searches:
    CLI 'whois':
    • Direct vs. Automatically Redirected
    • whois [-h HOST] OBJECT
    IP Address Assignments:

    ARIN ( North America
    • Max 256 results
    • Query-by-record-type:
    • - n: network address space
    • - a: automation system
    • - p: point of contact
    • - o: organization
    • - c: end-user customers
    • Query-by-attribute:
    • - @: match domain portion of an email address
    • - ! : match handle or id
    • - . : match by name
    • Display flags:
    • - + : FULL output (details for each match)
    • - - : LIST output (summary only)
    RIPE NCC ( Europe, Middle East, Central Asia
    APNIC ( Asia and Pacific Region
    AUNIC ( Australia
    LACNIC ( Latin America and Caribbean
    AfriNIC ( Africa


    The following are reconnaissance techniques:

    Hacking Techniques

    As outlined in my Ethical Hacking Class:

    Wednesday, May 6, 2009

    Firefox Add-on List

    These are my favorite Firefox Add-ons:
    • Google Reader Watcher - Adds a notification on status bar that tells me how many unreader feeds I have waiting.
    • Hide Menubar - Hides the Menubar (a la IE7) to give yourself more screen to view.
    • OpenDownload - Gives you an option to open a downloaded file instead of just saving it locally.
    • Xmarks - Best bookmark/password manager I have found.
    • DownThemAll! - Awesome Download utility.
    • Office 2007 Black - Black theme if you are into that.
    • CHM Reader - Allows you to read Windows Help files in the browser.

    Sunday, May 3, 2009