Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tunnelling uTorrent

Setting up Putty

1. Open putty
2. Go to connection>ssh>tunnels
3. Enter a source port, select dynamic, and press add. This is going to be the port you send your uTorrent connection through
4. Do the normal jazz to establish a connection.

Settung up uTorrent

1. Open uTorrent
2. Go to options>preferences>connection
3. Change the following:
Type: Socks5
Proxy: localhost
Port: (The port you entered and tunneled in putty)
Resolve hostnames through proxy (check it)
Use proxy server for peer to peer connections (check it)
4. Press OK

I can't confirm that this encrypts all of the uTorrent traffic, but when I tried it behind a firewall it sure went a lot faster.

Override banned ports in Firefox about:config

Sometimes you need to allow an incoming connection through a specific port that Firefox is blocking. You can override this by following these steps:
  1. Open Firefox
  2. Type this into in the address bar: about:config
  3. Accept the fate of your Firefox warranty
  4. Right-click on the window
  5. Select: New>String
  6. Enter the preference name:
  7. The value will be the port you want to open for your browser (you can open it all of the way by entering 1-65535... however, I don't recommend this)
  8. Test it out

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Gmail Reader in Enigma and Rainmeter

I ran into an issue with the Gmail Reader not working in Enigma and Rainmeter. After messing around with it for a while, I finally figured out that the skin doesn't play nice with special characters in the gmail password. Try changing your password to plain text in gmail and then reconfigure the skin with the new password. I'm not gong to promise this is only workaround, but it worked for me.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A Simple Hack for Clock Watchers

For those of you who enjoy knowing exactly how much time they have until they get to break away from work... here is a cool hack.

Here is how you do it using the Windows Sidebar:
  1. Download and Run the Countdown Gadget
  2. Go into the settings
  3. Switch the Gadget Skin to "Original Skin"
  4. Switch the Time Format to "Timer Style"
  5. Change your Caption Text to what you want, I chose "until I go home."
  6. Set your Count Down Date and Time to when you get off work
  7. Bam... perfect clock watch

Weather Location ID for Rainmeter Apps

If you need to generate a location code for your Rainmeter config file (i.e. Taipei is TWXX0021), the link below will help you do so.

The easy way to Take Screenshots

If you find your self taking screenshots and adding boxes and lines in mspaint, then check this program out its called Jing its a free tool from the screenshot masters at TechSmith. Jing has the ability to take full video or still captures of your screen, you can choose to select an area or the whole screen. When your finished capturing it lets you then edit the shot with Arrows and boxes to make spots more noticeable.

Block quizzes from showing up in your Facebook Newsfeed

If you are as annoyed as I am with quizzes showing up in in your Facebook feed, there is a simple solution (aside from hide or blocking contacts). This only works in Firefox (I'm guessing that if you're still using Internet Explorer you're probably the person posting the quizzes anyway... so this doesn't apply).

Here are the steps:
  1. Download the Greasemonkey Firefox Add-on
  2. Download FB Purity by going to this page and clicking on the 'Install' button
  3. Restart your browser and open Facebook
  4. The quizzes should now be blocked